English Helper التطبيقات

Обучение английскому языку-аудирование-English TDF 1.0.11
English Helper
Description of functions: You can add your video, movie orseriesand watch with subtitles (subtitles). The word opens in oneclick.Several offline dictionaries and abbyy lingvoDictionariesdictionaries, Google translate (translate) and Googleoffline. Easyrewind subtitles and video Dictionary to add words toit and teachSpecial audio player for listening. You can easilylisten toconversations, videos, movies or TV shows. To understandEnglish byear is a skill that is useful for traveling, workingandcommunicating. You can not just learn the words or constantlylearngrammar. It is necessary to learn how to listen andunderstandEnglish when communicating, talking, watching movies, TVshows, orwhen you listen to songs. Therefore, let us first learn tospeak,listen and understand a foreign language — English, and onlythenwe will learn English Grammar, spelling, irregular verbs, andsoon. After all, a child who is 7 years old is already talkingquitewell, and he did not even go to school. Learning a foreignlanguage(English) is very easy with our application. It is suitableforthose who know English well (we have khan academy, films,series,dialogues), and for children, beginners or those who teachwith 0.We have made an application in which you can easily andquicklylearn English offline, and added the best TV series extraenglishfor free. This is your tutor - tutorial, which will helpremove thelanguage barrier, increase vocabulary and understandthecommunication and songs in English. You can take courses toyourtutor and use our application as a guide to learn English forworkor travel for beginners from 0 faster. The tutor and hiscourseswill help you learn English Grammar, irregular verbs,correctpronunciation, but few will deal with him daily, it's notfree. Trylearning in our application to learn spoken English -foreign,increase vocabulary, remove the language barrier,improvelistening. And you can learn english language daily. Inshort, theapplication helps to increase vocabulary, remove thelanguagebarrier, it teaches you to understand communication byear.Suitable for everyone, for beginners from 0, for children, andforthose who know English well. If you have a tutor or courses,theapplication will be a good tool that will facilitate learning.Alsofree (free) is available the best series for beginnersextraenglish. It has clear dialogs that are pleasant to listen to.Soyou quickly learn the basic words, increasing vocabulary andbeable to remove the language barrier. Attached are severalsections.1) My dictionary. This is a free section (Free) where youcanincrease vocabulary. Learning is easy. Knowing the words youcanlisten to and understand the interlocutor, it turns outthedialogue. Training is needed daily to quickly learn English.2)Free Section - Free Section. There is a series of extraenglish,khan academy video, songs, dialogues. You can startlearning here.Listen to audio, songs and learn to understandEnglish bylistening. Khan academy is suitable for those who knowEnglishwell. Khan academy is a short tutorial video. We arejustinterested in audio - special words. As a result of thislistening(audio training), the training will go even faster. 3)Cinema. Addyour videos, movies, songs or TV shows for listening(audiotraining) or watch and listen to ours. Add subtitles to thevideoand learn English. 4) Special manuals, collections ofdialogues forbeginners from 0. Easy videos, where simple subtitles(subtitles).And other manuals and materials that make learning easyhelp thetutor and you on courses. Be sure to try the free (Free) TVseriesextra english with subtitles (subtitles). Learn wordsonlineoffline every day and soon you will learn a new foreignlanguage -English.